God designed it that every man would find his work, but his work may not be his fulfillment. Every man must work in life, and every man must give his “gift” to the world. The gift is hidden in the unconscious and must be discovered. Every man must find and give his particular gift to the world. The ancient prophets said, Life is God’s gift to a man, what a man does with it is his gift back to God.
Every man has a gift to give. Even if it takes a lifetime to discover what it is, it is totally fulfilling when he finds it and gives it to the world. “The world” may be just his son, or his family, but every man is valuable to God.
Men are most fulfilled by committing their lives to something larger than themselves. All men are wanting to know what it is that’s worth living for. But only a few will find it. The majority of men will stop looking for their vision-quest, and numb the desire with alcohol, entertainment, control over others or boredom. The majority of men live and die with lives of quiet desperation.
99% of the wives I’ve met has a desire for her husband to find his gift and give it to the world. These women want their man to be happy and fulfilled at what he does. The sense of meaning is crucial to a man. If you haven’t discovered your gift, continue to put yourself in positions where you have to give of yourself. Never settle for a shallow existence. God came to this earth so you would have life, and have it to it’s fullest extent. God has staked his reputation on the line when the ancient historian said, God is fulfilled by the fullness of a man’s life.