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Family Counseling Glendora

For Family Counseling, Glendora-based Dr. Raymond Jones Takes a Comfortable, Not Confrontational Approach

The classic conception of family counseling is a confrontational atmosphere, where family members are forced into a room together to air their grievances and face the full brunt of the fallout head on. But at the Aspen Center, Dr. Raymond Jones prefers to approach family counseling in a more comfortable and ultimately more productive manner. Tensions within a family have clear and definitive underlying issues—and rather than exacerbating these tensions to the breaking point (and then leaving family members to live with the broken pieces until the next session), Dr. Jones works on gently unwinding the strain by exploring the root causes from a place of security and non-judgment.

In many cases, this consists of several one-on-one sessions with siblings, children, parents and step-parents that allow Dr. Jones to understand how each individual relates to the family and home environment.  After years of working with all types of families—including blended families, single-parent families and families affected by alcoholism, divorce, abuse—Dr. Jones has experience with helping individuals overcome strife and adjust to the changing family dynamic. Through family counseling, each member of the family will be able to stand up and be recognized for his or her unique talents and integral role within the family.

Families emerge from counseling feeling happier, closer and most importantly, safe and secure in their own homes. Dr. Jones reintroduces communication, compassion and respect into the family and makes each member eager to contribute to and compromise for the best interests of their parents, children and siblings. In addition to illuminating and resolving underlying family issues, sessions may include substance abuse counseling, marital counseling and Christian family counseling in situations where families may benefit.

If you’re interested in strengthening your relationship with your loved ones, call our office and ask about family counseling.

Glendora offices can be reached at (626) 332-1595 or by filling out our online contact form.