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When Jesus Related to Women

Oct 11, 2010
Jesus with little one

Jesus with little one (Photo credit: freestone)

Jesus shocked the world with his relationships to women. He was without a doubt, the most surprising man when it came to his relationships with women. A case for his divine sonship could be made from his relationships to women alone. If you only looked only at his relationships to women you could prove he was the Son of God.


How do you spell scandalous?


Jesus traveled with women, and this was simply not done. Women stayed in the temple and ministered to the rabbis but they certainly did not sleep under the night sky with the men. In today’s terms, you never knew who was a tent-hoppin’. But not in the Jesus culture.


In my imagination somewhere, some traveler would slip into a woman’s tent. How she redirected him would be so protective of his masculine identity that the next day there would be no shame, no hiding. She would greet him with fondness, giving real love a chance to grow. In my imagination somewhere, a lovely woman would try to entice a fellow traveler into declaring his desire for her. But with the highest of regard, he would tell her, he wanted more in a relationship with her. Jesus could address all of this sexuality with love and guidance, and not play the co-dependant role of supreme tent watcher.


Jesus would not be the kind of man who would spark the fire of competition between the men. There was a notable absence of stupid accidents due to male posturing. No testosterone prone injuries occurred. Nor did Jesus need to be McDreamy, or McSteamy*, the most desirable male among all the women. I am certain that men and women alike would feel safe in His presence.


The disciple and author, Luke did all but called the women who traveled with them, apostles. They were a band of equals, each with their own gifts and talents to bring to the crew. Everyone chipped in to help. No chore was beneath a man, no task too much for a woman. Everyone with the road crew were treated with the same respect, men and women alike.


When you traveled with Jesus there was a sense of mission but they undoubtably  had a lot of fun.


A culture of honor surrounded the Son of God.


Men and women could be friends, partners, and helpmates when they submitted to the spirit of honor. Women were equally part of the crew. They were there at the cross, the burial, and the resurrection.


Does anyone suppose these women found Jesus attractive? Yes, but for more than physical reasons. Jesus was physically strong, self controlled, confident, quiet, a powerful, charismatic speaker, playful, witty, engaging, and respectful of all people. He would not be the kind of man who would spark the fire of competition between the men, he had no need to assert his alpha male status.


*McDreamy wa


Romantic Notions Motions Devotions Lotions and Commotions

Oct 11, 2010

The Romantics (film) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Romantics are alive to their senses. Romantics are awake to their intentions. They don’t just exist, they live their lives to the fullest.


Romantics want more out of life. They want to take hold of life and squeeze the juice out of it.


Time and effort expended are more appreciated than money spent. Though money spent is nice, a handmade gift is more romantic. Because it is a risk for the creator. This is why, if a man is talented at songwriting, and he writes a song for his girl, she might not be duly impressed. He writes songs for a living for gawdssakes. He can write a lyric falling down, in his sleep. Not romantic.


Very romantic is when a man does something he’s not good at, or learning to do. He gets mega points awarded to his invisible score because he takes the risk of it not turning out well. But his efforts are usually very rewarded.


In the end, the receiver defines what is romantic. If you give her something she hates, or was traumatized by as a child, you get a miss, nada, zero, zip points. If your woman spends all day cooking a gourmet meal of tiny but tasty French cooking, but you’d prefer a huge, massive, nuclear pizza, she wasn’t being romantic. Pay attention to your luv to know what’s romantic to them.



God Wants to Encounter You

Jan 06, 2010

English: The road to the A3102, west of Wootto...

Image via Wikipedia

The goodness of God is overwhelming. It is expansive and stretches your heart. My clients have told me:  It may sound crazy, but at first, when the goodness of God came on me it was glorious, blissful, happy. I hadn’t felt this good in years. When it didn’t stop, I felt as though my heart were going to burst. I didn’t know if I could contain it… I thought my heart was going to break open. Then I remembered what you had told me, it was like He, or something was cracking me open, filling me with His love, overwhelming me with pure goodness. He was breaking into my heart, opening me up. It was spiritually heavy, I asked Him to stop. I thought I was going to burst, I was so happy.

People everywhere want to experience God. Perhaps they call it love, or a peace of mind. But, humans crave to feel just for a moment that all is well with my world. Many call this a divine encounter.

A “sacred journey” accomplishes this desire. It is the most relaxing, personal experience anyone can embark upon.


The Sacred Journey is a personalized way of relaxing into the experience of listening to God’s heart for them. Most participants are literally overwhelmed with the experience of being loved by God.

Once we have resources to proceed further, we seek specific healing from God for the aspects of personality and relationship that has caused fear and suffering in the past.


The Sacred Journey is a peaceful, relaxing, spiritual experience that brings integrity to the heart and mind.


I have been helping people embark on Sacred Journeys for many years now, and still it takes my breath away what the Lord has to show others.He is gentle, compassionate, and always a kind.What is it that you want to bring to Him?Are there wounds?Do you seek closeness with Him, whatever it is, He will meet you more than half way, I guarantee it.