March 1, 2012

Noor Vitamins

Noor Vitamins (Photo credit: AslanMedia)

My new friend Ryan Rivera has researched natural cures for anxiety. If any of you can vouch for what he says, or are willing to try his suggestions and let me know, we would all appreciate your comments.

-Dr. Jones


7 Bizarre Anxiety Home Cures That Really Work

Anxiety is a debilitating condition; it can start off as a general vague feeling of uneasiness and can soon manifest with physical symptoms such as shallow breathing, restlessness and uncontrollable panic.

Take a moment and check if you suffer from any of the following:
Do you often feel excessively worried or anxious?
Is your worry getting out of control?
Do you feel a vague sense of uneasiness?
Do you often feel overwhelmed and find it difficult to deal with everyday life?
Do you have trouble concentrating?
Do you get tired easily?
Is your sleep disturbed?

If you suffer from more than two of the above then you are facing symptoms of anxiety. Many people will go to the emergency room, believing that they must get immediate medical attention for their condition. After the diagnosis of anxiety disorder is made, they start taking medication to overcome anxiety.
But it doesn’t always have to be like that.

There are powerful and effective home cures available for anxiety.  Below is a list of the 7 Bizarre Anxiety Home Cures That Really Work:

1)     Herbal teas:

Many herbal teas contain substances that act as potential anxiety busters. The most commonly known herbs for anxiety reduction include: Chamomile, Green Tea, Cloves, Lavender, Orange blossoms, Thyme, Kava

Kava tea:

Kava can be used in any form: natural kava powder, kava pills, kava tinctures, kava extracts, etc. It is widely used for the relief of anxiety and stress.
Kava also helps in relaxing the muscles and promoting a good sleep.

Kava tea is popular for its anxiety reducing qualities. Kava is an ancient plant, belonging to the pepper family, normally grown in Indonesia and the Asian islands.
The tea extract is derived from its root or stump or Kava plant.

Kava can be consumed like any herbal tea.

When using kava do not get startled by the tingling feeling it gives the mouth and tongue, this is completely normal.


In a recent study published on Pub Med , valerian herb has been proven for its anxiolytic calming properties.

Valerian root is a dietary supplement used historically in the treatment of sleep, stress and anxiety problems.  It also helps in relieving headache and digestive problems.

Valerian is a plant native to Europe and Asia. Valerian is available in the form of pills and herbal tea and can be ordered online.


Chamomile has been known its calming properties, it is available in the form of chamomile oil, teas and pills. Chamomile is a native European plant. It also relieves gastric ailments such as colic and dyspepsia. It helps in sleep and acts  as a mild herbal tranquilizer.

Other popular anxiety relief agents include: Passion flower, Hops, Catnip, Rhodiola Rosae, St. John’s Wort and Ginkgo Biloba.

2)     Vitamins:

Vitamin B complex deficiency can cause anxiety, taking vitamin B supplements regularly is helpful even if you don’t suffer from a deficiency.

The three most important vitamins related to anxiety are Vitamin B6, B12 and B3.
Vitamin B6 helps in promoting muscle function, maintaining alertness, it provides nourishment to the skin and hair. Deficiency of Vitamin B6 can cause irritability and anxiety.

B12 is another important vitamin that can really help in reducing anxiety and stress. Vitamin B12 is involved in a number of key body processes, but is especially key to red blood cell production, nervous system function, sperm production, normal growth and the proper function of the immune system.

It has also been shown to improve memory and concentration.

Deficiency of Vitamin B12 can cause, depression, anxiety, anemia, exhaustion and neurological problems.

Supplementation of 50 to 2000 mcg per day has been shown to be safe, although most commonly, doses are from 10-100 mcg per day, with vegetarians requiring more than nonvegetarians.

Another member of the vitamin B family (B3 specifically) Niacinamide is also known to work wonders in reducing anxiety.

Vitamin B3, helps in releasing energy from carbohydrates, fats and proteins, it helps in reducing bad cholesterol from blood,  it is necessary for healthy skin, nerves and digestive system.

It is also known to promote good sleep.

The necessary doses of B vitamins and other minerals are available in the form of multivitamin – multimineral tablets and can be obtained over the counter at a regular medical store.

3)     Omega 3 fatty acids:

Omega 3 fatty acids also act as wonderful mood balancers, and can greatly reduce anxiety. Research shows strong evidence that the omega-3s EPA and DHA can boost heart health and lower triglycerides.

There are several types of omega-3 fatty acids. Two crucial ones — EPA and DHA — are primarily found in certain fish. Algae oil often provides only DHA. Some plants act as a source for omega 3s known as ALA.

Experts say that DHA and EPA — from fish and fish oil — have better established health benefits than ALA.

They have further been noted to help improve concentration and focus in people with ADHD and autism. Researchers have found that cultures which eat foods with high levels of omega-3s have lower levels of depression. Fish oil also seems to boost the effects of antidepressants. Fish oil may help reduce the depressive symptoms of bipolar disorder.

Fish high in DHA and EPA omega-3 fatty acids include anchovies, bluefish, herring, mackerel, salmon , sardines, sturgeon, lake trout, and tuna. Many experts recommend eating these fish two to three times a week.
If you decide to use a supplement, your best bet is fish oil, which has the omega-3 fatty acids.

Cod liver oil is a nutritional supplement derived from liver of cod fish. It has high levels of the omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA, and very high levels of vitamin A and vitamin D.

4)     Ginger:

Ginger tea has plenty of scientifically proven health benefits. It is a remedy for nausea, diarrhea, and anxiety.

At least one study proved ginger to be effective at reducing anxiety.

The mechanism of action of ginger is not yet fully understood but many people report decrease in anxiety levels after consuming ginger tea.

Ginger can be consumed in the form of ginger tea, ginger bread, some vocal artists even consume raw ginger early in the morning since it helps soothe their voice besides reducing anxiety.

5)     Ayurvedic bath:

Ayurvedic bath is the secret of health and wellness spas. This is easy to prepare and has a good relaxing effect on the body.

Preparation: 1/3 cup ginger, 1/3 cup baking soda

Add to a tubful of water and soak for 10 – 15 minutes and relax. This relaxing bath pacifies your anxiety and makes you feel calm.

6)      Almond milk:

Almond milk is another home remedy known for its anxiolytic properties.

Preparation: A cup of milk, 10 raw almonds, ginger, nutmeg, saffron

Soak 10 raw almonds in water for a night and peel off skin before blending with milk. Best to use a blender. Whilst blending, add pinches of nutmeg, saffron and ginger.

7) Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is known to be very effective in reducing anxiety naturally. Orange peel and mint have a very calming effect on the nervous system. Other popular aromas include vanilla, lavendar, rose, sandlewood and chamomile.

These scents are available in different forms in most malls and supermarkets. You can purchase aroma scents and candles made from these scents , you can also purchase oil diffusers and scents that with them. Regular use can create a relaxing atmosphere in your room.  Use these scents in a room where you can relax and you are away from work and other stress factors.

Note on Herbal Supplements:

Most home remedies for anxiety consist of dietary supplements or herbs which are harmless, but if you’re already on medication, have a medical problem, if you are pregnant, trying to become pregnant, or breastfeeding, make sure you consult your family doctor and check if the herbal supplements are safe for you.

About The Author: Ryan Rivera is an ex-anxiety attack sufferer. You can find more information by him at