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On Being Sensual

Kate_Bush_-_The_Sensual_World_(album)What does it mean to be a sensual Being? To be sensual means to be Awake, to be Present.

We allow ourselves to be aroused by things of allurement, delight and grace. We can go forward to explore our lives and loves with a sensuousness attuned to all of the gifts of our senses. To be sensual is to be aware of and appreciate that we live in a world full of passion and ecstasy just waiting to be discovered.  Our senses can be stimulated in so many beautiful ways!  We can enter the world of poets, song writers, artists, and dreamers.


My additional thoughts:

To be a sensual person is to be an alive person. Sensuality in it’s purest form is to have all of your senses come alive. To slow down enough to really feel the breeze, the warmth of the sun, the scent of the outdoors, or the scent of a woman. To open up our senses is to open our eyes to the colors of the sky, the color of the eyes right in front of us. To be fully awake sensually is to touch the world as if we’d never been alive before this moment.

No one can permanently live there, so we sensualists, take a few minutes whenever we can to hyper-dial in our senses, our attunement to the world around us. Often when we do, we come face to face with someone quite lovely, and a romance begins.


You can read more of Kathleen’s writings at:

Model: Macarena Palomo R.

Image via Wikipedia

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